Saturday, February 14, 2009

What is Literature Review?

In thesis writing, one of the important parts is literature review. What is literature review? Does it mean the compilation of relevant past studies? Or the discussion amongst researchers about certain topic? To simplify the definition of literature review (LR), I'm gonna use the word 'analysis'. LR involves some analysis about any outstanding piece of works related to our research focus. Once we understand this definition, the next popular question is 'how to do so?'. Basically, there are 5 steps to be done:

1. Do some clusters (well, we have lots of articles!)
2. Do some analysis one by one
3. Do highlight what we have and also the other way around
4. Do identify the gap of all available piece of works and provide justification on how our research or thesis can fill in the gap
5. Do clearly state the contribution of our research or thesis towards the development of relevant knowledge (philosophical underpinnings)

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